Fibreglass Gel Coat FAQ'S
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A: Gel coat is a specially formulated polyester resin that is applied on the mould face. Designed to give good appearance, colour, water and weather resistance.
A: Flow coat is a gelcoat, with a wax in styrene additive for use as a top coat. Gel coat can be sprayed providing that it is "spray gel coat" not hand lay gel coat. Both gel coat and flow coat will give a watertight finish, providing it is used in conjunction with a fibre glass lamination.
A: Both brushing and spraying the gel coat give an acceptable finish within a mould, unless you intend to use clear gel coat with a metal or decorative back up. In this case a spray is necessary. I suggest that you coat over twice with gel coat, allowing the first coat to harden. There are different gel coat available, depending on whether you are brushing or spraying.
A: If you are in England then the best place to come would be here at CYB! Click here for details on our One Day Training Workshops carried out every month, covering the use of Glass Fibre as well as gel coat repairs. The workshop is totally hands-on.
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